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Saturday, September 29, 2007 | 0 Comments
Need for Change !
We are currently going through a course on leading change. Following is an excerpt from my journal on how to lead change.
Change is an integral part of a successful outcome. Our mankind’s evolution can be attributed towards the process of change which went through over a period. Civilizations growth can be owed to the various steps taken to change.
What is Change? Change is a process of transforming a current state to a different state. Change involves three stages, 1) Current form 2) Transitional form and 3) New form. Understanding these different stages would help one to successfully create and lead a change process.
Determine if Change is required?
Let us deep dive to understand the “current state”, this is a stage one needs to evaluate the need for change, it is important to have a clear basis and a reason for change, as the saying goes “Don’t fix! If isn’t broken”. Following are certain areas which needs attention in this state.
1. Evaluate if a change is required
2. Complete a cost benefit analysis of a change
3. Understand the physical/emotional aspects behind the change
Calculate the opportunity cost and return on investment for not making a necessary change and making a necessary change. This will give a clear idea, whether to pursue a change or not. Along with the financial aspect most important aspect is the human element. Transformation from one form to another leads to movement of one’s comfort zone. Humans react differently when they are moved from comfort zone. Some of the instant reactions are “Fear”, “insecurity” and “uncertainty”. Some humans react with pleasure, joyful and challenged. It all revolves around self-confidence, motivation and final outcome.
Thursday, September 27, 2007 | 0 Comments
Grass Roots Leadership
Following is an excerpt from GrassRootsLeadership. I watched the below segment on ESPN and started to look for the book named "Its Your Ship" written by Mike Abrashoff who was selected to become Commander of USS Benfold at the time, the most junior commanding officer in the Pacific Fleet.
We all face similar situation in our life where we have to lead teams and be able to set an example as a leader. In my opinion everyone should read the ten principles of Mike.
NFL Leaders Using Mike's Playbook
ESPN Monday Night Football Transcript
Baltimore Ravens vs. Cincinnati Bengals
Airtime- Sept 10, 2007 at 9:10PM Eastern
Mike Tirico: Here's Michelle Tafoya.
Michelle Tafoya: Well, let's talk about captains for a minute.
During the offseason, Carson Palmer's dad gave him a copy of this book. It's called It's Your Ship and it's by a naval captain who turned a mediocre ship into one of the best crews and best ships in the Navy. Now Carson read it cover to cover and he told me he took away two lessons from this.
Number One: If the people around you believe you care about them, they will follow you into battle
Number Two: The leader must be above the group but of the group.
And his teammates must believe in him. They voted him offensive team captain for the season, Mike. He said that was the single greatest honor of his career.
Mike Tirico: More important than the Heisman Trophy, he said. Kind of surprised us all when he said it.
You've seen that all kick-off weekend, those Captain C's, permanent captains, season-long captains by Roger Godell [NFL Commissioner], as part of the edict to increase the leadership and leadership awareness within each locker room. And the teams have voted for two captains. And we have seen alot of the familiar, big name players wearing those this week.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007 | 0 Comments
Pats Spying Scandal
NFL Football season started with lots of fan fare. My favorites Pats routed jets. Allegation of video spying did leave sour taste of the win. Bill Belichick you are better than that, You don't have to spy to win. Please remember you are working for Kraft organization which is known for its integrity.
This issue made me thinking about spying in general, Corporates spend huge resource on corporate spying; in recent memory I could think of SAP/Oracle spying issue, also an ongoing issue between Mclaren and Ferrari. On what basis does the management of SAP, Mclaren either encourage such unethical practice. I am really surprised to see companies could do such a thing in the name of competition. It all boils down to certain individuals in the management who "want to win at all cost". This behaviour can eventually prove catastrophe.
I hope we managers do not encourage/participate in any such behaviors and not jeopardise the companies brand.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007 | 0 Comments